Every Year

Our Recruiters


The journey from boy to man requires dedication and discipline. At AMET, I realised that sailing is not for the people who are in disciplined and non-dedicated. The initial days at AMET were tough, but it is these tough days that brings the best out of you.
Sushil Sahu
Chief officer at Maersk line

I never knew about the reality about shipping before I joined AMET. The very first days itself were an eye-opener to me. Slowly and steadily I came to know about the will and courage it requires to be a seaman . The well versed and competent faculty of AMET made sure that we become a successfully seafarer. Right now I have moved to Canada but even then the years spent at AMET campus would be always etched in my memory.
Kharag Singh
Chief officer - BC Ferried, Canada.

The Academic experience through excellent faculty at AMET University has endured me with a lifelong career excellence. The exceptional programmes and practical training and teaching methodologies backed by good skills and industry interface have given me the confidence to pursue my career ahead. The all-time support and motivation of the faculty members of AMET has enlightened me throughout the beautiful journey.
Anil Kumar Reddy
Chief Officer - MSI Shipping