ametunivAMET Chamber for Entrepreneurship Innovation and Incubation (ACEII)

Mr.P.Karthick - Entrepreneurship Development Cell
Dr.Anitha Rexalin Devaraj - Entrepreneurship Development Cell

The Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) [sponsored by AMET Alumni Association] was established in 2014 to motivate students to start their own business venture instead of queuing in job market. Being a maritime university the EDC primarily focuses on marine entrepreneurship. Falling in line the AMET –Innovation and Incubation centre was established in 2015 to catalyze and promote startups, to guide and support in identifying a platform for commercialization. In accordance with the suggestions of the UGC expert committee both the cells have been integrated with effect from April 2018. The cells are functioning a hand in hand to achieve the common goal under a single banner as “Centre for Entrepreneurship Innovation, and Incubation”.

AMET Chamber for Entrepreneurship Innovation & Incubation (CEII), was formed in 2024 to play a commendable role in fostering Entrepreneurship and Innovation thereby provide a platform for incubating business ideas both in maritime plus non-maritime sectors and augment its contribution to the economy. AMET CEII is aimed to be a solution in itself to trigger the young minds to think different. AMET Innovation and incubation centre is being shaped with a vision to inculcate entrepreneurship among the students/faculty/any young mind and technocrats from this region. The main objective of AMET Innovation and incubation centre is to build a campus filled with opportunities to scale-up to tap business opportunities. Hence, the centre is situated inside the University campus, to leverage all the resources that are available within the campus such as access to laboratory, workshops, development and testing centers, computing resources, library, internet access and above all the human resources. In addition to these resources, the centre also has a network of eminent professionals, academicians, bankers, venture capitalists and businessmen, who can extend support to these ventures. Moreover, an advisory board consisting of eminent academicians and expert professionals from diverse industries guide the students, researchers and incubates.


To play a commendable role in fostering Entrepreneurship and Innovation thereby provide a platform for incubating business ideas in maritime sector and augment its contribution to the economy.


To nurture young minds to think differently and to help them to survive and grow during the startup period when they are most vulnerable.


  • To identify potential Entrepreneurs among the students and faculty of AMET and to create a platform for them to emerge as successful entrepreneurs.
  • To identify new business opportunities in Maritime sector.
  • To focus on areas with high potential for Marine Entrepreneurship, such as aqua farming, marine bio technology, shipping and logistics.
  • To network with entrepreneurship development institutes, funding agencies, Maritime Institutions, and other industry/ academic institutions to support entrepreneurial initiatives.
  • Encourage students to innovate by providing a conducive ecosystem.
  • Encourage students to incubate their innovations in AMET premises.
  • Encourage industry to incubate the ideas in AMET premises
  • Establish tie-ups with the industry

Thrust Areas

  • Port Connectivity
  • Logistics efficiency
  • Seafarer’s effectiveness
  • IOT and cloud
  • Any labor management efficiency idea implementation etc.
  • Bio-technology and Marine Bio-technology.
  • Ship building.
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology.
  • Petroleum Engineering.
  • Other common areas on mechanical, electrical, electronics and communication engineering.

AMET - Institution Innovation Council

Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) for Academy Of Maritime Education and Training - AMET was formed as per the prescribed format given by MHRD Innovation Cell - MIC.

List of Institution Innovation Council (IIC) Members


National Innovation and Startup Policy 2019 for Students and Faculty

AMET - Innovation and Incubation centre

Incubation is a dynamic process of business enterprise development. Incubators nurture young firms, helping them to survive and grow during the startup period when they are most vulnerable. It speeds up the commercialization of R&D outputs and creates additional avenues of employment. Keeping this in mind, AMET University has initiated to startup an incubation centre – AMET Innovation and incubation centre to help the emerging entrepreneurs in terms of providing space, machinery, equipment, computing facilities, communication networks, start-up friendly infrastructure, individual incubation cells with common resource sharing arrangements, know-how to overcome their problems and facilitate in filing patents etc., including commercial exploitation to benefit society.

AMET Innovation and incubation centre is aimed to be a solution in itself to trigger the young minds to think different. AMET Innovation and incubation centre is being shaped with a vision to inculcate entrepreneurship among the students/faculty/any young mind and technocrats from this region. The main objective of AMET Innovation and incubation centre is to build a campus filled with opportunities to scale-up to tap business opportunities. Hence, the centre is situated inside the University campus, to leverage all the resources that are available within the campus such as access to laboratory, workshops, development and testing centers, computing resources, library, internet access and above all the human resources. In addition to these resources, the centre also has a network of eminent professionals, academicians, bankers, venture capitalists and businessmen, who can extend support to these ventures. Moreover, an advisory board consisting of eminent academicians and expert professionals from diverse industries guide the students, researchers and incubates.

Application Form to Incubate - click here