ametunivPlanning and Monitoring Board
S.No. Category as per UGC Regulation Member of the PMB
1Vice-Chancellor – ChairpersonProf.Dr.V.Rajendran, Vice-Chancellor
2Trust NomineeCol.Dr.G.Thiruvasagam, Provost
3Internal MembersCapt.Gopal Srinivas, Principal, DGS Courses
Dr.T.Sasilatha, Dean-International Relationship
Dr.M.Jayaprakash Vel, Co-ordinator, IQAC
Dr.J.Rengamani, Professor, AMET Business School
Dr.S.G.Ponnambalam, Dean - Research and Development
Dr.Anita R Warrier, HoD i/c, Physics
Dr.R.Vettriselvan, Associate Professor, AMET Business School
4External MembersDr.Sushma Yadav, Member UGC, Former Vice-Chancellor, BPSMV, Haryana
Prof.S.P.Thiyagarajan, Chancellor, Avinashilingam Institute of Home Science
Dr.Chitra Krishnan, Former Professor and Head, Dept. of French, University of Madras
5Registrar – Secretary
Dr. R. Muthezhilan Registrar i/c