List of Members of the Academic Council 2024-25
S.No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Email Id |
The Vice Chancellor as Chairperson | |||
I | Prof.Dr.V.Rajendran (Chairman) |
Vice-Chancellor | vc@ametuniv.ac.in |
The Registrar, as the Secretary of the Academic Council | |||
II | Dr. R. Muthezhilan (Secretary) |
Registrar i/c | registrar@ametuniv.ac.in |
III. Dean(S) of Faculties | |||
1 | Capt.Gopal Srinivas | Principal, DGS Courses | principal@ametuniv.ac.in |
2 | Capt.K.Karthik | Principal, AMET Institute of Science and Technology | karthik.k@ametuniv.ac.in |
3 | Dr.M.Jayaprakashvel | Special Officer & IQAC Coordinator | iqac@ametuniv.ac.in |
4 | Mr.K.R.Chidambaram | Director - Marine Engineering | chidambaram.kr@ametuniv.ac.in |
5 | Mr.M.Sathishkumar | Dean - Marine Engineering | sathish.m@ametuniv.ac.in |
6 | Prof.Dr.T.Sasilatha | Dean - International Relations | deanir@ametuniv.ac.in |
7 | Dr.S.Priya | Dean - Academics | deanacd@ametuniv.ac.in |
8 | Dr.S.G.Ponnambalam | Dean - Research and Development | deanrnd@ametuniv.ac.in |
9 | Dr.A.Rajesh Kanna | Dean - Administration (i/c) | deanadm@ametuniv.ac.in |
10 | Dr.N.R.Ramkumar | Dean - Students Welfare | deanstw@ametuniv.ac.in |
11 | Dr.R.Rajavel | Dean - Staff Welfare | deanstfw@ametuniv.ac.in |
12 | Dr.S.Bharathi Raja | Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology | deanet@ametuniv.ac.in |
13 | Dr.N.Duraimutharasan | Dean, Faculty of Advanced Computing Sciences | deanacs@ametuniv.ac.in |
14 | Prof.Dr.K.Altaff | Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences | deanls@ametuniv.ac.in |
15 | Dr.Anita R Warrier | Dean (i/c), Faculty of Science and Humanities | deansh@ametuniv.ac.in |
16 | Dr.J.Rengamani | Director - AMET Centre for Distance and Online Education | rengamani.j@ametuniv.ac.in |
17 | Dr. Karthikeyan | Director, AMET Institute of Science and Technology | r.karthi1968@ametuniv.ac.in |
18 | Prof.S.K.Bhattacharya | Director, Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering | skbhskbh@ametuniv.ac.in |
IV. Heads of the Departments | |||
1 | Capt.P.Rajendran | Nautical Science | rajendran.p@ametuniv.ac.in |
2 | Dr.P.Sivabalan | Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering | hodna@ametuniv.ac.in |
3 | Dr.P.RajKumar | AMET Business School | hodabs@ametuniv.ac.in |
4 | Dr. C.M.Ramakritinan | Marine Biotechnology | hodmbt@ametuniv.ac.in |
5 | Dr.V.Sridevi | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | hodeee@ametuniv.ac.in |
6 | Dr.S.Ramalingam | Mechanical Engineering | hodmec@ametuniv.ac.in |
7 | Dr.K.S.Siva Subramanian | Mining Engineering | hodmin@ametuniv.ac.in |
8 | Mr.R.Theertham | ADNS | theertham_r@ametuniv.ac.in |
9 | Dr.John Wyson | Food Processing Technology | hodfpt@ametuniv.ac.in |
10 | Dr.S.Subramaniyan | Maritime Commerce | hodcommerce@ametuniv.ac.in |
11 | Dr.K.Sampath Kumar | Computer Science and Engineering | k.sampath@ametuniv.ac.in |
12 | Mr.Antony Gomez | Pre-Sea Modular Courses | stcw12course@gmail.com |
13 | Dr.P.Balaganesan | Mathematics | hodmaths@ametuniv.ac.in |
14 | Dr.M.Subha | English | hodenglish@ametuniv.ac.in |
15 | Dr.D.Arivazhagan | Director, E-Governance | prof.arivazhagan@ametuniv.ac.in |
16 | Dr.K.Sekar | Librarian | sekar@ametuniv.ac.in |
17 | Mr.P.Ramanathan | Additional Controller of Examinations | addl.coe@ametuniv.ac.in |
V. Professors other than the Heads of the Departments (By Rotation of Seniority) | |||
1 | Dr.A.Shameem | AMET Business School | drshameem@ametuniv.ac.in |
2 | Dr.D.Lakshmi | EEE | lakshmi.d@ametuniv.ac.in |
3 | C/E. Koki.Panneer Selvam | Marine Engineering | cekoki@ametuniv.ac.in |
4 | Dr.D.Madhesh | Mechanical Engineering | madhesh.d@ametuniv.ac.in |
5 | Dr.J.Ananth | Marine Engineering | jambuananth@ametuniv.ac.in |
6 | Dr.D.Sivakumar | Computer Science and Engineering | sivakumar.d@ametuniv.ac.in |
VI. Two Associate Professors from the Departments other than the Heads of the Departments by Rotation of Seniority | |||
1 | Capt.R.K.Kumar | Nautical Science | captrkkumar@ametuniv.ac.in |
2 | Dr.Rupesh Kumar | Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering | rupeshkumar@ametuniv.ac.in |
VII. Two Assistant Professors from the Departments by Rotation of Seniority | |||
1 | Mrs.R.Divyaranjani | AMET Business School | divyaranjani.r@ametuniv.ac.in |
2 | Mr.V.Saravanan | Marine Engineering | vsaravanan@ametuniv.ac.in |
VIII. Eminent educationist from other field related to the activities of the Institution / Deemed to be University who are not in the service of the Institution / Deemed to be University, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor | |||
1 | Dr.K.Sivasami | Associate Professor & Head - SMET, Indian Maritime University, Chennai | ksivasami@imu.ac.in |
2 | Dr.Kalyani Desikan | Dean - Academic Research, VIT Chennai Campus | kalyanidesikan@vit.ac.in |
3 | Dr.S.Swamynathan | Professor of Information Technology, Anna University | swamyns@annauniv.edu |
4 | Dr.S.Rajadurai | President, CEO and Head of R&D, Sharda Motor Industries Ltd. | srajadurai@hotmail.com |
5 | Dr.Chitra Krishnan | Former Professor and Head, Department of French, University of Madras | krishchi@gmail.com |
IX. Eminent persons who are not members of the Teaching staff, co-opted by the Academic Council for their specialised knowledge | |||
1 | C/E. Mr Suresh Shenoi | Project Manager, V Ships and IMEI Chairman | suresh.shenoi@vships.com |
2 | Capt.Arvind Shankar | Culture & Capability Manager, AP Moller Maersk | arvind.shankar@maersk.com |
3 | C/E. P.K.Mishra | Joint Managing Director of IRS Indian Register of Shipping | PK.Mishra@irclass.org |
4 | Capt. Sartaj Gill | Chief Strategic Advisor V.Ships | sartajgill76@gmail.com |
5 | Mr.J.Shyam Sundar | Director & Chief Operating Officer Flyjac Logistics Pvt. Ltd. | shyamsundar@flyjac.com |
Student Representatives | |||
1 | Cadet. Garima | B.Sc Nautical Science - 3rd year | 98180 93365 garimadobriyal26@gmail.com |
2 | Cadet. Hariharan | B.E. Marine Engineering - 4th year | 93424 02319 hariharan75@gmail.com |
3 | Mr.Joe James Serapin | B.E.EEEM - 4th year | 89395 39572 joe30102003@gmail.com |
4 | Mr. G. Mathesh | MBA (SLM) - 2nd year | 97899 52679 matheshgnanamani0209@gmail.com |