

In the Seventies, the youth of India, especially, the educated youth of India were sinking into a depression due to lack of jobs and cursing themselves forgetting educated. A young visionary, Mr.J.Ramachandran, could not tolerate this hopelessness anymore. He came out with a solution-the NAESEY (New Era Association of Educated Self Employed Youth, a voluntary organization) and through it-- complementing the government employment exchanges and MSMEs. With NAESEY Self-employment schemes, he created employment and entrepreneurial opportunities to thousands of educated unemployed youth directly and a thousand and more indirectly. In 1993 He set up the Academy for Maritime Education and Training as an alternative to the existing system of education. He made the youth see the merit in casting the net in the unfished waters when everyone was fishing in the same old waters. He never wanted to compete, he just wanted to complement. Complement he did and history he made, when he made India proud when AMET metamorphosed to become the first ever maritime deemed to be university in India—the CRISIL rated, ISO Certified, AMET, established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956. The national and international laurels bestowed upon it like the Seatrade awards which are known as the Oscars of the Shipping Industry, speak of its quality. And, who is the reason for all this? The visionary articulate team-leader, Dr.J. Ramachandran.

The unquenchable thirst of Dr. J. Ramachandran towards patronizing of quality professional education never limited to the maritime education but also extended to the field of medical education. Under the aegis of Saraswathi Ammal Educational and Charitable Trust, Dr. J. Ramachandran has established a 550-bed hospital cum Medical College in Hapur, a socially backward area in the State of Uttar Pradesh where availing immediate medical services is considered to be a nightmare for the people residing in and around that region. The Hospital is equipped with sophisticated infrastructure and served by highly qualified medical professionals and thereby rendering all medical facilities to the needy people.

His entrepreneurial acumen and edupreneurial efforts attracted many an award nationally and internationally including the Times of India, Edupreneur of the Year in 2013, the Award of Excellence instituted by the National Maritime Day Committee, Ministry of Shipping, Government of India in recognition of his lifetime exceptional achievements in Indian Maritime Industry, to mention a few. York St.John’s University conferred on him the Doctorate degree-Honoris Causa- for the unrelenting empowerment initiatives he has been taking for a long time as the founder of NAESEY for which he has become a metaphor that he is known more as NAESEY J. Ramachandran. Recently he had received "Lifetime Achievement Award 2017" for his meritorious and exemplary contributions to the global Shipping Industry.

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